Well this week was one for the books! Monday for P-Day we had our talent show that was pretty sweet, Elder Bjarnson did his magic tricks and just about knocked the crowd out of their chairs hah then Tuesday we had District meetings, One of the Mandarin elders in our district, Elder Li brought a snack from China.... had us try it without telling us, it was Duck Tongue hahaha! it want to bad, kinda salty, don't think that i would say its my most favorite thing in the world. then Wednesday we went to down town Calgary... ended up talking to a "homeless" girl with a broken foot and a 2 month old kitten! i say "homeless" because she decided to just leave home and tour the country... left from Quebec and hasn't been home in 8 months.... and Elder Halford and I (we were on splits) we like wow so cool.... we've been gone from home a long time too! ended up talking to her for about 40 minutes and playing with her kitten, gave her a Book of Mormon and went on our way, she said shes not searching just interested in all religion.That night we got a call from a Less Active who is Activating himself again saying his car ran out of gas. Turns out he just bought the car and the gas gauge doesn't work after you pass 1/4 tank full haha so we helped him out and scheduled an appointment for Thursday night. While we were at his house on Wednesday he told us how "this" his old life was going to stop. (as he pointed around the room to all his empty alcohol bottles and beer cans and hooka.Thursday now rolls around and we have a lesson with our Investigator Scott, well it went sub par i would say haha, not that we really couldn't teach it was the fact that he was asking the stupidest typical questions any person would discover from the Internet, that was exciting. So we answered them and then just kept inviting him to read the BofM, and to pray for himself that's the only way he will come to know what all we say or he is wondering is either truth or blaspheme. Well after that we got back home to help the members upstairs in the apartment complex move, we were there for 4 hours then we headed to Dinner. Had amazing BBQ burgers and salad. Then we went to Brody, our new less active friends house. Well from everything he had laying around the night before was ALL gone Thursday.... this kid is SO awesome he is 21 and really wants to get back on track. We taught him the Restoration and that went well. So Friday now is here and we have MLC (Mission Leadership Council) I always love going because we have some of the greatest lunches there haha. yes they feed us. the meeting starts at 10 and ends at about 4. We council about how we can further the work and better the mission. We also found out that Online Proselyting will most likely begin within 6-8 weeks President said... he has a Presidents meeting this month so cross your fingers, and then we may get ipads shortly after that! :) Well now Saturday is here..... and so was BRAD WILCOX!!! dont know if you know him... but he is a great speaker for the church he spoke on the atonement. you should look him up :) got to meet him and he also got to meet our Recent Convert Kevin, it was the sweetest thing ever. Got a picture with him as well! Then after that we went to Mucho Burrito and on the way home (kevin drove us and the spanish elders) we saw fireworks! it was literally the best way to end the night. But wait that's not all, now its Sunday! well not a whole lot happened other than i had an awesome study on how Omni to Mosiah 24 connects haha its pretty insane then went to church that was alright but after dinner we went to Correlate with the STL's we share the ward with and we pull into the church and Right next door is a Catholic Mass thats just about to start, sooooo we decided to go and check it out. It was well Interesting needless to say, i will elaborate on it more when i get home hahah. and THAT was a week of Elder Martin! love you!

Elder Bjarnson, Kevin, Brad Wilcox! and ME!
This is Elder Farnsworth.... Studies are hard hahah
Lion Fist Bump!
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