Lets see.... sooo this week we had dinner with a part member family last P day, and they were awesome, I would like to try and start teaching the husband because he's pretty much Mormon already, just doesn't want to commit because people want him to be baptized... kinda funny haha, then Wednesday we had an awesome Less active lesson..... the husband has a testimony, just is crowd shy, he says we are working on that, then Thursday we went on splits with the Elders Quorum and a less active Elder was my companion... and Elder Young who i'm amazing friends with after Airdrie baptized him.......and he's just trying to get things on the right page with work and church, so he's trying! not fully less active but only comes here and there..... Saturday we had the Elders Quorum Curling activity, and that was AWESOME!! we were only allowed to go out on Saturday or Sunday if we had appointments because it was below -40 with the windchill sooo yea that's really the big exciting clumps of my week, the one Elder I went on splits with has a friend who might be ready to teach he says, so i'm excited about that! other than that a lot a street contacting and getting to know the ward, and slowly kicking it forward!

My District.. Elder Nilsson, Corning, Me, Rasher the zone leader... the other was in another meeting then Sisters Johnson and Doty
Yep purple Ice Cream
Aquino's and their friend on the far right
Elders Quorum Curling activity
Sizing up were to place the stone
What form
and my point
-13 with windchill of very brrrrrrrr.....
Breakfast of champions Eggs and sirracha sauce
This week wasn't half bad... just got to know the ward a little better the people we went to stop by and teach were not home, so a little bit of a slower week, but not to worry, we have a good amount of members..... We have I think about 190ish give or take a few families. Also, mom we have enough youth here to do sacrament, in Taber I had to do it a couple of times... and haven't given to many blessings probably about 10? except on Saturday I was on Exchanges with The Zone Leader Elder Rasher... I came out with him, and he's been going through a lot of like chest pain stuff... the doctors don't exactly know whats up and he woke up from out lunch time nap and was like "martin I need a blessing now!" it was pretty scary because he thought he was having a heart attack because his body shows all the signs for it, but the Dr's say he is fine... so that was scary. my companion he is from Nova Scotia Named Elder Nilsson and is very very quiet... shy... but has a great personality and is funny when you get to know him, and he's comfortable with you, he has 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters... and was a blacksmith back at home just for fun. We just found out that out bishops brother was just taken off life support so that's sad :( but this ward is awesome im excited to be here!
I guess my baptism in Taber went through as well! so that's way exciting. the gym thing we have is enough to do what I would like so that's alright. and the Zone leaders are Rasher and Shaw... I came out with Rasher he is awesome and Shaw is 1 transfer younger than me, very young leadership so weird haha but I love them both and get along great! and I love being in Presidents ward ...it is weird, but he and I will become best friends!
Browning Air freshener for our car
My new Towel.....
Bow River