Well My week was pretty good I suppose haha, we did have zone conference so that was nice, Elder Keith got approved for Facebook from President so that's cool. and we have been teaching a good chunk of less actives... had some Investigator lessons set up on Saturday but they were both no shows.... slightly depressing haha, were still organizing the other side of the stake and trying to figure out how the works going to be able to get done... and find and pick up those who the sisters were working with.... We attend usually 3 wards on Sundays... then on the following week switch and on occasion we try to get out to Welling, Del Bonita, and Spring Coulee on the other Sundays. were fed every night which is sweet.... going to have to stay fit though! haha, Ya.... it was cool to see Connie's Niece, finally got to meet someone who knows people back home! It's cool haha.... Today for p-day were all meeting in Cardston, the whole zone should be there so that will make things fun :) other than that, life is good.... as far as living, no we dont have or own space... except our bedroom... were on the look out for an apartment, we have permission from the mission housing coordinator to start the paperwork so were excited haha. But life's great! :)

Roads around Magrath pretty hard on Cars.... Hard to keep
home made Funnel cake at Brother
Abe Wolvers Jr
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